Little Known Aspects of Long Island’s Maritime History
A FREE virtual program via Zoom
2021 Event
Thursday, April 15th at 8pm
A Zoom based Powerpoint lecture that covers the development of submarines and torpedoes, the landing of Pan Am Clippers in Port Washington, the world’s most innovative whaling captain, and more.
Author/Presenter: Bill Bleyer was a prize-winning staff writer for Newsday, the Long Island daily newspaper, for thirty-three years before retiring in 2014. He is the author of Sagamore Hill: Theodore Roosevelt's Summer White House and co-author of Long Island and the Civil War, both published by The History Press. He has been published in Civil War News, Naval History, Sea History, Lighthouse Digest, the New York Times, Chicago Sun-Times, the Toronto Star and others. Bleyer graduated from Hofstra University and earned a master's in urban studies at Queens College of CUNY.
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