Colonial Garden Supporters
Memorial Benches
Robert Allan Chase
Victoria & Hank Bjorklund
Bill Reinhardt
Bob and Lorraine Campbell
Estate of Joan Kent
Richard Maidman
Port Washington Garden Club
Sundown Tree and Lawn Care
Memorial Brick Supporters
Aaron Alpert
Christopher Bain
Victoria and Hank Bjorklund
Fred and Pat Blumlein
Jana and John Borriello
Anne Brown
Kenneth Buettner
Bob and Lorraine Campbell
Joseph A. Canigiani
Jeff and Andrea Cayea
Robert A. Chase
Larry and Lynne Chrapliwy
Stuart and Sheryl Chuzmir
Debbie Greco Cohen
Vincent M. Cooper
Roberta and Michael Cooperman
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Costello
Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society
Katherine Crean
Lucy Davidson
Anna Deriu
Glen DeSalvo
Betty DeVries
Anie F. Franey
Marla Freeman
Evelyn Hooper Garofalo
William L. Gordon
George and Phyllis Graf
Dr. Joanne Grasso
Frederick L. Hehn, Jr.
Stephanie Hall
Richard Hyde
Linn Johnson
C. Kabot
David Keegan
Joan G. Kent
Amanda Khalil
Joan Kirkpatrick
Rosemary Konatich
Joan Lager
Lisa Lager
David Leiman
Frances Lewis
Ann N. Lingelbach
Ross Lumpkin
Anne Mai
Richard Maidman
Carole McDonald
Dorothy McDougald
Mindy Mintz
Mrs. Arthur Mittelstaedt
Maggie Murphy
Suzy Murphy
Ellen Nelson
Rona Nelson
Dianna Facci O’Rourke
Lee Porter
Port Washington Garden Club
Port Washington Retired Educators
Port Washington Teachers Association
Kim Rosenbaum
Gail and Stephen Rudin
Dorothy Rule
Douglas Lee Sands
Sands Point Garden Club
Catherine Scandalios
Laurie Scheinman
Mitch and Stephani Schwartz
Laura Shabe
Jackie Spechler
Susan Sturman
Valerie Taylor
Maz Troppe
Joan Kendall Walsh
Scott Weil, O.D.
Reed and Doris Whittemore
Colin and Jennifer Wiggins
Will and Nancy Wright
Brett Zekowski
E. Zimmerman