Commemorative Bricks
Our blooming Colonial Garden
Buy a brick!
We are paving our Colonial Garden paths and surround one brick at a time! Make some of those bricks yours. Pay tribute to a loved one, commemorate an occasion, or simply express your delight.
This popular program allows you to share your message and your contribution helps us to complete our mission to enhance our Colonial Garden, first started by Rose Grumman many, many decades ago.
Commemorative Bricks surround the sundial and define all the paths in the garden. Please help fund this project while you honor a friend or the memory of someone you’ve loved.
The engraved bricks are $50 each (cash, credit card, Paypal or check). You can write up to three lines of text with 14 characters per line (this includes all punctuation and word spaces).
To view those who have already supported...

To reserve your brick for the Colonial Garden,
please print out this order form,
fill it in, and send it to:
Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society
336 Port Washington Blvd.,
Port Washington, NY 11050